Privacy Policy

Last Updated: June 6th, 2024

Binaxity Holdings Inc. (in this Policy, “Binaxity ”/“we”/”us”) is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) applies to the Binaxity website, (the “Website”) together with our services as further described in our terms of use (the “Services”). The Privacy Policy describes our practices and procedures with respect to privacy and how we collect, store, use and distribute information about our users (“you”) through the Website and Services.


We maintain internal practices and procedures to ensure that we comply with this Privacy Policy as well as update it as our offerings and activities change. We endeavor to maintain, and periodically update, practices and procedures that:

Identifying Purposes

Ultimately, we use your Personal Information to provide you with the Services.

We aim to collect, use and disclose only such information as is required to enable us to manage your account, to provide the Services, to maintain our customer/user lists, to respond to your inquiries or provide feedback, for identification and authentication purposes, and for service improvement.

More specifically, the purposes for which we collect, use, and disclose your Personal Information are listed in the Use and Disclosure Section below. Generally, the purposes are to:


When you use the Service, your consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information as described in this Privacy Policy will be implied in certain circumstances, most often when you willingly and intentionally provide us with your personal information, including directly in writing or electronically, for a specific stated purpose.

We also rely on third parties for your consent when you access the Services using devices or software that you have disclosed your personal information to, and those services are permitted to disclose it to us.

We may also seek your express consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information. Most often, we will seek your express consent when it is highly sensitive or required for a new purpose. We may obtain your consent by your checking of a box, your acquiescence to an agreement or your taking another affirmative action.


Two types of information may be collected through the Website and our Services: Personal Information and Website Information.

“Personal Information” is personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, e-mail address, credit card information, address, birth date and gender. At the time of collection, we will clearly identify the Personal Information being collected and the purposes for which it will be used.

“Website Information” is information we collect when you visit our Website, such as an Internet Protocol Address (IP Address), the domain used to access the Website, and the type and version of browser or operating system being used by visitors to the Website.


We may collect Personal Information in respect of the Website through a registration process, request form submissions, financial product and service quote inquiries, communications with you, user support, online tools, and expert advice services.

We also collect aggregate information, such as demographic statistics of our users (e.g. average age or geographical allocation of our users), number of visitors, what pages users access or visit, and average time spent on the Website. Similarly, business contact information such as the name, title, business address, or telephone number of a business or professional person or an employee of an organization is not considered Personal Information when such information is used for the purposes of contacting the individual in their business/professional capacity.

In addition to the Personal information we collect directly from you, we also work with third parties to more fully understand your journey from requesting a quote to receiving a financial product. This information received from third parties is collected in accordance with that party’s privacy policies and may include: date of approval for the financial product, the policy type of product, the finalized value, and whether and what other products may have been bundled with the product you inquired about.

Use and Disclosure

We use and disclose your Personal Information for the following purposes:

We disclose your Personal Information solely to carry out the purposes listed above. We engage third parties to directly provide the services underlying the above purposes as service providers to: improve our Website, host our Website, provide advertising services, provide email marketing services, provide cloud services, and engage in analytics for advertising services. These third parties may have limited access to databases of user information solely for those purposes and they will be subject to contractual restrictions prohibiting them from using the information for any other purpose.

If we plan to use your Personal Information in the future for any other purposes not identified above, we will only do so after updating this Privacy Policy. See further the section of this Privacy Policy entitled ‘Amendment of this Policy’.

We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties without your consent if we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or property, other Website users, other users of the Services, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities. We may disclose Personal Information when we believe in good faith that such disclosure is required or permitted by and in accordance with applicable law.

We may also disclose your Personal Information in connection with a corporate reorganization, a merger or amalgamation with another entity, a sale of all or a substantial portion of our assets or stock, including any due diligence exercise carried out in relation to the same, provided that the information disclosed continues to be used for the purposes permitted by this Privacy Policy by the entity acquiring the information (or as otherwise consented to).

Opting Out

You may withdraw your consent to our collection, use, or disclosure of your Personal Information at any time. However, withdrawing consent may result in your inability to continue using all the features available on the Website and/or the Services.

For more information about interest-based advertising and to understand your options, including how you can opt-out of receiving behavioural ads from third-party advertising companies participating in the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada, please visit the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada website at Please note that even if you opt-out of interest-based advertising by a third party, these tracking technologies may still collect data for other purposes including analytics and you will still see ads from us, but the ads will not be targeted based on behavioural information about you and may therefore be less relevant to you and your interests. To opt out, you must have cookies enabled in your web browser. To do this, see your browser’s instructions for information on cookies and how to enable them. When you opt-out, it only applies to the web browser you use so you must opt-out of each web browser on each computer you use. Once you opt out, if you delete your browser’s saved cookies, you will need to opt-out again.

Protecting your Information

The security of your Personal Information is important to us. We have put in place contractual and other organizational safeguards with our agents and service providers to ensure a proper level of protection of your Personal Information. In addition to those measures, we will not disclose or transfer your Personal Information to third parties except as specified in this Privacy Policy.

Our servers (and certain service providers) are also located in Canada and accordingly your Personal Information may be available to the Canadian government or its agencies under a lawful order, irrespective of the safeguards we have put in place for the protection of your Personal Information.

We use commercially reasonable efforts to store and maintain your Personal Information in a secure environment. We take technical, contractual, administrative, and physical security steps designed to protect Personal Information that you provide to us. We have implemented procedures designed to limit the dissemination of your Personal Information to only such designated staff as are reasonably necessary to carry out the stated purposes we have communicated to you.

You are also responsible for helping to protect the security of your Personal Information. For instance, never give out your email account information or your password for the Services to third parties.

We will maintain the confidentiality of any contact information you provide to us when you sign up for our Services, marketing communications, or contact us with questions or for further information and we will use it only for the purposes for which we have collected it (subject to the exclusions and disclosures we have listed in this Privacy Policy), unless you agree that we may disclose it to other third parties.


We will keep your Personal Information for as long as it remains necessary for the purposes mentioned above or as required by law, which may extend beyond the termination of our relationship with you. We may retain certain data as necessary to prevent fraud or future abuse, or for legitimate business purposes, such as analysis of aggregated, non-personally-identifiable data, account recovery, or if required by law. All retained personal information will remain subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you request that your name be removed from our databases, it may not be possible to completely delete all your Personal Information due to technological and legal constraints.

Access and Accuracy

You have the right to access the Personal Information we hold about you in order to verify the Personal Information we have collected in respect to you and to have a general account of our uses of that information. Upon receipt of your written request, we will provide you with a copy of your Personal Information although in certain limited circumstances, we may not be able to make all relevant information available to you such as where that information also pertains to another user. In such circumstances we will provide reasons for the denial to you upon request.

We will endeavor to deal with all requests for access and modifications in a timely manner. We will make every reasonable effort to keep your Personal Information accurate and up-to-date, and we will provide you with mechanisms to update, correct, delete or add to your Personal Information as appropriate. This amended Personal Information will be transmitted to those parties to which we are permitted to disclose your information. Having accurate Personal Information about you enables us to give you the best possible service.

Quebec Residents

If you are a user who is also a resident of Quebec, you have specific rights with respect to your Personal Information by virtue of the Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector, as amended by Law 25 and we are committed to upholding those rights.

Accordingly, we have appointed a Person in Charge of Personal Information (the “PCPI”), who can be contacted by emailing [email protected]. The PCPI is the individual ultimately responsible for ensuring our compliance with all rules, regulations, and laws with respect to Personal Information in Quebec. In addition to the PCPI, we will be implementing Privacy Impact Assessments whenever we implement a new Information or Electronic Service Delivery System and whenever a new relationship is set up that could involve your Personal Information being disclosed to a third party outside Quebec. At present, the Personal Information of Quebec residents is disclosed outside Quebec in certain circumstances, these include:

We also recognize that Quebec users have certain rights with respect to their Personal Information. You are entitled to exercise these rights and they include:

We will respond to these requests in the time allotted by the Commission – usually 30 days.

Amendment of this Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If we decide to change this Privacy Policy in the future, we may post an appropriate notice on the home page at, especially if the change is material. Any change to this Privacy Policy will become effective on the date the change is posted. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all Personal Information that we have about you. The date on which the latest update was made is indicated below. We recommend that you print a copy of this Privacy Policy for your reference and revisit this policy from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes.

Contact Us

You can help by keeping us informed of any changes such as a change of address or telephone number. If you would like to access your information, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, if you find any errors in our information about you, or for more information on the manner in which we or our service providers use your Personal Information, please contact our customer service team at: [email protected].